Athletes aspire to do triathlon for many reasons. Whether it’s to establish an exercise routine and lose weight, conquer a challenge that may initially seem insurmountable, or solely for the social aspect– everyone will ask the question, ‘what is the best way to actually begin?’ Some triathletes excel by coaching themselves. Others seek coaching to sharpen the learning curve and experience gains at a faster rate than is possible by individual trial and error.
For those who want to benefit from partnering with someone who understands training and how it relates to different individuals, one of the single most important investments they can make is hiring a coach. Seriously! Instead of focusing on the next aero gadget this-or-that, working with a well-matched coach is the most effective way to get stronger and faster.
It’s important to have a two-way interview where both coach and athlete feel the relationship is a good match for both parties. At Aperion Triathlon, we have an initial talk with potential athletes to make sure it would be a beneficial match. In the case that it’s not, we have a network of other excellent local and international coaches for reference.