Welcome to Apeiron Triathlon!
Welcome to our homepage, serving as absolute ground zero for all content and info to come for all things Apeiron Triathlon.
Thanks for your patience as we get up and running. We were excited to get off the start line already, so enjoy our soft launch.
In the meantime, feel free to start inquiring for services or reach out with any questions.
APEIRON? ummm, huh?!
Yes! Apeiron is the Greek word for ‘Infinite’ pronounced {appear on}. It reflects our core belief that everyone has endless internal resources to draw from– personal drive, grit, compassion, and potential to actualize. We are only ever limited by a limiting frame of mind.
Apeiron Triathlon provides premier online and one-on-one coaching for athletes who are driven to constantly unleash their best selves. We customize high performance training programs catered to the individual’s lifestyle, schedule, and athletic intentions.
Some insight into our logo– it carries our core belief of living life fully and with a limitless and infin(ity)ite perspective in all things that we do.
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